A Word in Time


Dear friend, in the days of Moses, the God gives instant justice to the people. Many died as a result of disobeying God. Read (the Books of Moses in the Bible especially Exodus & Leviticus)
Moses will intercede for the people and the Lord will forgive them and they will offer sacrifice to God.

Even in the New Testament;
Ananias and Sapphira died instantly for lying(Acts 5:1-10).

Jesus’ Intercession for us

See, we would have all been consumed by the wrath of God long ago.

But for Jesus Christ, our Saviour, who is sitting at the right hand of God, interceding for you and me daily. (We call it “Grace”), what will have been our being?

Holding back Yourself from the Truth?

Are You still holding on to that way if life? I believe you will want your children to obey you, right?
And what happens if the Child you love so, the one you put on your “will or beneficiary” of your estate all of a sudden does not regard you and lives his own life?
I know you will do everything to save him from the path of destruction because you can see clearly that the path he is taking will only kill him.

Remember you are still doing everything to save your child while he is still on the path of death because you so much Love him.

This is the same way God loves us and while we are on a path of no return, he calls us to order. He calls us to life instead of death.

The scriptures tells us that, “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”(Romans 5:8)

Jesus came as the voice calling us and reinstating us into God’s Love. Because He loves us and he wants us to know it and feel the impact of His love for us.

So don’t think God likes what you are doing by not receiving Jesus Christ into your life and completely believing in Him!!

He is only giving you the chance to make that decision for Jesus.

While you are still alive, make a decision for Jesus. When you read how the Israelites fall away by serving and worshipping gods they made by their own hands. Respond to His call Now!!

You don’t want to be a part of the perishing. Jesus’ arms are widely open and He is calling you for a better plan.

Yes, GOD has a BETTER PLAN for you if only you will accept His calling and come as you are for a change.

Christ didn’t Come to condemn but He came that we may have life and have it in abundance. He didn’t come to make us feel bad. Rather he came telling us the truth so we might be saved from our ignorance.

So get up. Put you faith in Him.

Romans 10:13 says; “and it shall come to pass, that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved”.

So take that bold step now.

All the life you once lived are now your past. Come on, make a decision for Jesus before a day comes that you will not be proud of.

The Salvation the Jesus gives is free. You don’t need money to buy it!! Wow!! It’s free. Yes just as you will do anything to get your disobedient and lost child back to his place with him paying anything but by only accepting your call, so it is with God.

He has paid the price for us when he was nailed to the Cross. Yes, Jesus had died for us by a death sentence on a Cross just so that you and I will be saved once we receive him. (John 1:12)

By Just Receiving Him(accepting his call)

Will You Accept Jesus As Your Personal Saviour Today?


The Bible says,
“If you will declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,”(Romans 10:9)

Pray this prayer from your heart ❤️ toady!

“Dear Jesus, I believe that You died for me and that You rose again on the third day….. I confess I am a dinner…I need Your love and forgiveness… Come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I receive Your eternal life. Confirm Your love by giving me peace, joy and supernatural love for others. Amen.

Gospel Bells

The Word Gospel on our this blog means Good News. We have created this blog to serve the following:

Bring you word of knowledge and Divine Wisdom inspired by the Holy Spirit of God relating to the times and seasons. The messages will help you to be able to differentiate between a godly chatter and an ungodly Chatter. The Scriptures tells us in 2 Timothy :16 that ….”those who engage in it will become more and more ungodly”.

Bring you transcripts seasonal messages from Men of God mostly in Rev. Dr. E. K. Gbordzoe and Rev. P. Y Tefe and other ministers as permitted by the Holy Spirit.

Bring you Divine Wisdom on technological advancement and how to use it so that you don’t fall prey to the devices of the devil.

As the Holy Spirit leads, we will bring the message to you right here!

Gbeku K, G (2020).

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Romans 10: 11 Says, ".... how will they be saved if no one bring the message to them ....."
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